Eleksyon Plus - Online, On-Demand Politics NOW!
ELEKSYON+© is a web-based election tool for online, on-demand politics. ELEKSYON+© is the latest version of eleksyon©, proven in the 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004 and 2007 elections. ELEKSYON+© enables candidates and campaign managers to act with precision, decide based on facts, move faster and smarter, anticipate problems, rationalize expenses, and get best results from campaign workers. ELEKSYON+© increases the odds of victory with the powerful convergence of four leading-edge technologies: Database, Geographic Information System (GIS), Text or SMS messaging, and the Internet. ELEKSYON+© lets you build, manage, and communicate faster, better, anytime, anywhere!
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Seletiva Publica - Advogado trabalhista, tributário, cível, Concursos, Auditoria e Treinamento
Site de Advocacia. Advogado trabalhista, tributário e cível. Direito do consumidor, processo, contrato, artigo e parceria,pública,privada,concursos, auditoria e treinamento. Minas Gerais MG
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