Psychotherapist, Couples Counselor, Marriage Counselor - Welcome
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My Clinical Approach
Training and Experience
Publications and Presentations
Fees, Policies & Insurance Inform
On-Line Therapy
Directions and Contact Info
Areas of Specialization
Individual Therapy
Couples & Marriage Counseling
LGBT Clients
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans
Animal Assisted Therapy
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Lee Crespi, LCSW
Welcome to my website.
I am a psychotherapist in private practice with offices in Chelsea, NYC and Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn . I have set up this website so that you may find out more about my practice and experience.
I have over 30 years of experience in individual psychotherapy, couples and group therapy as well as teaching and supervising other therapists. I have experience working with issues such as Adoption , Anxiety, Bereavement , Childhood Sexual Abuse, Chronic or Terminal Illness, Creativity, Coming Out, Depression , Divorce , Gender, Infertility , Loss, Marital Conflict , Parenting, Recovery, Relationships , Self-Esteem, and many others.
I hope that you find the information contained here to be useful. If you have any questions that are not addressed here, feel free to contact me by phone or email to learn more.
Contact information:
telephone: 212 675 6540
email: LeeCrespi@gmail.com
Copyright © 2007, Lee Crespi, LCSW. All rights reserved.
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The Guild of Psychotherapists
The Guild of Psychotherapists is a professional organisation for psychoanalytic psychotherapists with over 250 members and trainee psychotherapists with headquarters and clinic in London SE1. member psychotherapists practice throughout the UK. The Guild will put you in touch with a suitable therapist.
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Swiss Cottage Psychotherapy :: Welcome
Swiss Cottage Psychotherapy Practice is a team of Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Psychiatrists dedicated to improving the emotional and mental health and well-being of our clients. We draw on a range of disciplines in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy which enables us to formulate for each client an individual and personalised way of working.
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