Welcome to the website proposing the only world currency
Welcome to the website proposing the only world currency - Because it is inevitable that the world will one day have only one currency. During the week
commencing 3 December 2002, we noticed that both the Dollar and the Euro were at exactly the
same exchange rate against Sterling. This was to us an historic moment. The day the currencies
of the two largesteconomic blocks on our globe were the same in value (at least against the pound),
the unification of the Dollar and the Euro became a very realpossibility. What will that currency be
called? As in any merger, will it be a fusion of equals or a takeover? What name and currency
symbol would prevail? Would the Europeans accept the Dollar or would the Americans accept the
Euro? We rather think neither. And, as in many mergers, one either creates a hybrid or invents a
new name and logo - in this case a new currency and symbol.>
Worldcurrency.org ~
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