Productions: 203,262 results found.
Tandem Productions
Tandem Productions existe depuis le 17 juin 1986. Documentaires, films dentreprises, reportages, compilations darchives, courts métrages de fiction, toutes formes de projets culturels
Jacques Bougnet, producteur et Michèle Douffet, réalisatrice, un tandem efficace par sa complémentarité, épaulé par des techniciens performants. ~
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MG Video Productions
MG Video Productions is a Charlotte Wedding, Event & Corporate videography studio specializing in the cinematic style wedding video. MG Video Productions captures and edits video for weddings, parties, commercials, graduations, church events. If you need a photo montage put to music or your own video edited MG Video can help. Contact us today to schedule your event. Our videographers will travel! Serving the Carolinas and beyond! ~
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