Theatre Serbia - Welcome
TheatreSerbia is a portal designed for all theatre related artists, institutions and audiences in Serbia. It is managed by students and employees of University of Arts, Belgrade together with partners, TheatreBristol from UK. However, most of the contents are created and updated by members of the site. Every day they post news, calls, reviews, photos, they create accounts and profiles, they comment and help building a stronger and better theatre scene in Serbia.
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Bibloogle je prvenstveno zamišljen kao sustav koji će osim pregledno popisane bibliografije brojeva lokalnih i manje poznatih zbornika i časopisa društveno-humanističkog karaktera nuditi i mogućnost njihova pretraživanja. Budući da je zamišljen kao dinamičan sustav, njegov se opseg iz dana u dan povećava te je njegovo širenje s lokalne na širu primjenu sve vidljivije.
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