Machzor Eit Ratzon
This new prayerbook has full transliteration of the traditional text, guideposts and commentaries, kavvanot and meditations, and new translations, all designed to enhance your participation, and help you find meaning and spirituality in the prayer services of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
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roomsgoed, religieus, prentjes, kerkboek, prayerbook, church, paroissien, gebetbuch, missaal, missal, rozenkrans, rosary, chapelet, rosaire, rosenkranz, medaille, medallon, beeld, statue, engel, angel, ange, kerstgoed, christmas, kruisbeeld, crucifix, croix, kruzifix, kaars, candle, bougie, maria, madonna, heilig, holy, communion, altar, rooms, christus, mis
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