:::: Equinox :::: Centro Ecuestre Florida :::::
Welcome:Our main objective is to connect man and horse.
In a way entirely new to our area, we are guided by precepts and ancient knowledge, tested and established in developed countries, working several years to adapt this knowledge to our environment.
Uruguay has a rich history that links our signature gaucho with the horse, as a working tool, companion of long hours and transport. Today, we are in full discovery of the horse as a pet therapist and friend, accessible to all people without experience or with little previous experience, and consistent with the rapid modern rhythms .
We make available to any person wishing to venture into the art of horsemanship, basic information related to this noble animal that allow you the access to it in a technical way (grabbing from the field, preparation, saddle, care, control, security) in order to make it posible to get the best gift the horse has for you.
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