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NEW AGE SPIRITUALITY You have been told what to believe. Now you can reveal what you truly believe. Different paths lead to the same river. ~ Founder
Oneseed.org ~
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arizona pot for patients is a non profit medical marijuana growers association. helping to provide patients with a variety of ways to consume their medical marijuana at home.
Azpotforpatients.com ~
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NJ Boat Safety
Welcome to the 2009 Boating Season!
We're back for our 11th consecutive year, continuing to teach safe boating practices to boaters throughout NJ and PA. For your convenience, we've added several new testing centers. As of June 1, 2009, ALL power vessel operators, REGARDLESS OF AGE, will be required to possess a boating safety certificate. Even if you dont own a boat, but operate boats in NJ waters belonging to your friends or relatives, you must still possess a boat safety certificate!
Njboatsafety.com ~
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