Poni: 263 results found.
Poni-Haan Ratsastajat ry
Poni-Haan Ratsastajat ry (PHR) on Poni-Haan ratsastuskoulussa aktiivisesti toimiva ratsastusseura, joka järjestää kuukausittain este- ja kouluratsastuskilpailuja. Seura ärjestää jäsenilleen mm. harjoituskilpailuja, merkkisuorituksia, perinteiset pikkujoulut ja retkiä.
Ponihaanratsastajat.net ~
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Şcoala "Petru Poni" Iaşi - Home
Site-ul de prezentare al Şcolii Petru Poni Iaşi. Elevii şcolii noastre au promovabilitate peste 85% an de an la testările şi evaluările naţionale. În fiecare an, în şcoala este înfiinţată o nouă clasă cu program intensiv de fotbal, ai cărei elevi au posibilitatea de a participa în campionatele naţionale organizate de F.R.F. De asemenea, teatrul şi informatica sunt embleme ale Şcolii Petru Poni Iaşi.
Scoalapetruponi.ro ~
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Poni Brendan | singer | songwriter | Local Maui Musician
Poni Brendan, maui recording artist and songwriter just released her new album, Back On Track. This newest release celebrates her eternal optimism and her conviction of taking hold of your own destiny. Set to contemporary beats, Poni combines her love of hip hop, and pop music with the her strong acoustic guitar foundation to create a work that is new and fun. This album hints at both her acoustic roots, and the new options digitally available in todays recording world.
Ponibrendan.com ~
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