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Party on the Pitch
Below you will find our general idea to generate another form of income for the football clubs around the World. With the help from the players and the staff to create the opportunity to deliver a feasibility test, of using the stadiums for other activities, Providing another stream of revenue while the season has finished, that will hopefully make the clubs financially stronger for the future. But with a longer lasting effect on the local youth for exhibitions and events to take place in such great facilities. Working alongside the World's very first Inflatable Nightclub system. www.InflatableNightclub.com. Creating even more excitement to the youth through its location for information. At present a number of local governments are reluctant to provide licenses for such events
So Party on the Pitch is a worldwide football clubs promotions platform.
That can provide advise and help on creating such events for one off concerts a year to community based organisations, activities and exhibitions. If you are interested........ Contact me.
Partyonthepitch.com ~
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