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piramida-ua.com Вас приветствует ООО «Пирамида» - Галерея
ООО «Пирамида» -производство элитных изделий из дерева.
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piramida-kvn.org КВН Пирамида | Самая полная информация о Пирамиде КВН
piramida-kvn.org - сайт посвященный команде квн пирамида. Здесь вы можете найти любую информацию о пирамиде квн.
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studiopiramida.net STUDIO PIRAMIDA
Studio piramida je specijalizovan za fotografisanje i sninanje svadbi,vjencanja, proslava i svih vrsta manifestacija.Izradu svadbenih cvetica,pozivnica.Izrada web stranica i prezentacija.Izrada tv reklama i reklamnih spotova
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visoko.com Visoko Online - Bosnian Pyramid
Visoko is a city in central Bosnia and Herzegovina of rich culture and history. Located in central between Zenica and Sarajevo, Visoko lies on the Bosna river where the Fojnička river merges into it. The region of Visoko has approximately 46,000 residents, with 17,000 residents within the actual city limits. The municipality is organized into 25 local communities. The municipality is administered by the Zenica-Doboj Canton of the Federation. In the census of 1991, the Visoko region had 46,130 residents, of which there were 74.54% Bosniaks, 15.99% Serbs, 4.28% Croats, 3.16% Yugoslavs and 2.04% others. The town itself had 15,310 residents in 1991 and currently has a population an estimated at 17,000 residents. Contents * 1 Geography * 2 History o 2.1 Prehistoric era o 2.2 Illyria and Roman empire o 2.3 Medieval Bosnia o 2.4 Ottoman rule o 2.5 Austro-Hungarian rule o 2.6 Kingdom of Yugoslavia, NDH and WWII o 2.7 Socialist Yugoslavia o 2.8 Visoko in the Bosnian war o 2.9 Visočica * 3 Culture and Education o 3.1 Museum o 3.2 Health o 3.3 Education o 3.4 Sports o 3.5 Music * 4 References * 5 See also * 6 External links Geography Visoko from Visočica hill The Visoko municipality covers 232 square kilometres with several characteristic, morphologically distinctive valleys formed by the foothills of the Central Bosnian mountains including Ozren, Vranica and Zvijezda. The altitude of the region ranges from 400 – 1,050 metres. Visoko's natural environment is defined by the river-valleys of the Bosna and Fojnica rivers. The municipality borders the towns of Kiseljak, Busovača, Kakanj, Vareš, Breza, Ilijaš and Ilidža, and is connected by rail to the Adriatic coast. It is also on the Sarajevo–Zenica magistral road to the north. History The Visoko area was once the center of the medieval Bosnian state. During the period of the Ottoman Empire, Visoko city was founded by Ajas-beg. After Austro-Hungary's annexation of Bosnia, Visoko was given a new but still traditional style. This is reflected in the oriental style of Visoko that was common throughout the Ottoman rule. In the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Visoko didn't develop much and in Second World War, the town itself did not suffer much damage. The major expansion of the region did not occur until the era of communist Yugoslavia. Visoko was controlled by Army BiH for the duration of the Bosnian war. Prehistoric era Bosna river The Visoko region shows evidence of long continuous occupation, with the first traces of life dating back to 4000 BC. Because there are two rivers that go through Visoko, the Bosna and Fojnica, the area of Visoko was always inhabited. In the Neolithic period, the area of Central Bosnia played an important role as a mediator between the settlements of Adriatic Coast and the central Balkans. These metropolitan areas were connected by Neretva and Bosna rivers. Since Visoko was situated on the Bosna River, it was gained a lot of economic traffic between the two larger cities. Neolithic emplacements were founded on the shores of the rivers in places known today as Arnautovići, Donje Moštre, Okolište, Zbilje, Ginje, and Dvor. In these settlements, many tools, and other objects have been found from this period. Since 2002, smaller excavations and geophysical prospectus ions in the big settlement hill Okolište are carried out. As the first, the result of these activities showed a geomagnetic plan of a 5 house settlement with house lines and connection systems. During the first excavations, 6 5 x 5 m surfaces were uncovered. Excellent preserved settlement findings as well as typological, radiometric, archaeological, and botanical analyses of the present excavations show a large scientific potential of the place belonging in the late Neolithic period. Illyria and Roman empire Old royal town and fortress Visoki Visoko area was inhabited by the Illyirian tribe of Dassaretae. Roman empire established rule in 9 AD, where they built roads and fortresses like in Kralupi, Seoča and Mokronozi. Medieval Bosnia Charter of Tvrtko I Kotromanić Main article: Visoko during the Middle Ages Visoko is named after the Visoki Castle and the town of Visoki, which occupied Visočica hill, Podvisoki, Mile (today's Arnautovići), Biskupići and Moštre — together known as Visoko valley. Visoki and its castle were the center of the once powerful medieval Bosnian kingdom. Many historical charters were made and written in Visoko valley, including the charter of first Bosnian king Tvrtko I Kotromanić in 1355, in castro nostro Vizoka vocatum. Medieval remains of Church in Mile Enlarge Medieval remains of Church in Mile The Velikog rusaga bosanskog (Big Bosnian Rusag) assembly met at Mile, where Tvrtko I was crowned in 1377 and eventually buried alongside his uncle, Stjepan II Kotromanić, the Ban of Bosnia who preceded him. The Medieval Bosnian State Archive was also located there. Mile is today known for its many ornamented tombs of kings, bans and other former rulers. By 1340, Mile was the centre of the church province of Saint Kuzme an Damjan (first mentioned in 1244), and the remains of the church can still be seen at the site. Ban Kulin's Plate (dating from 1193) was discovered at Biskupići, along with the remains of another medieval church, grave sites and the foundations of several other contemporary structures. Moštre's university, founded in 1175 was one of the first in Europe, and was known for its scholarship in medicine, theology, cosmogeny and ethics, although because of its connection to the Bosnian Church nothing remains of its archives, and its existence is documented only by a handful of references in the Vatican archives of its enemy, the Catholic Church. Other notable medieval settlements in the vicinity included Sebinje town, Čajan town in Gračanica — which protected the roads between Visoko and Bobovac — and the town of Bedem i Goduša. Ottoman rule Painting of Visoko and mosque from Ottoman rule The area of Visoko was conquered by Ottoman Empire around 1463 and it is from this time period that modern Visoko is formed. The founder of town of Visoko was Ajas-beg (pasha) who was originally was from Visoko, but converted to Islam from Bogomilism. Visoko was a municipality (nahija) at that time. At the head of Visoko municipality was voivod from 1483, which was with serdar (military commander) representative of military-administration government. In Visoko existed main imam (reisu-l-eimme) and besides their religious duties, they also fulfilled duties to society. Court administration was carried out by naib, and received help for bringing decisions by jury of respected people from Visoko. Judge - naib carried out law court according to sheriat. Ajas-beg to 1477 built hamam, religious primary school (mekteb), aqueduct, bridge on river Bosna and Madrassa (Islamic high school), and also founded Dervish tekke (monastery), which is preserved still today. In short period Visoko develops it self in administrative center of municipality, heart of trade and crafts, and also as of cultural and spirit life. Visoko by then had the imbibe look of an Islamic oriental-style town with all religious and cultural institutions. Austro-Hungarian rule Older district of Visoko Bosnia was officially annexed by Austro-Hungary in 1878 and only small local militias showed resistance and fought. In the early years of Austro-Hungarian rule, Visoko did not significantly change and kept its oriental-style look. In 1882, Visoko was an organized settlement with developed trade, offices, and other institutions. Increasing contact with western culture directed Visoko’s style in a slightly different way such that buildings of that time were built in Pseudo-Moorish style. The Tabhana mosque was founded in Visoko center and the city itself was expanded further to the banks of the Fojnica River. The main street was developed towards the town of Jalija, located at the delta of and a bridge
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piramidance.com Piramida Dance
Escuela de baile en Barcelona
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piramidahorusa.com PIRAMIDA HORUSA - wesela, konferencje, szkolenia, imprezy okolicznościowe, restauracja, bar, hotel, A2, Poźrzadło
Piramida Horusa to wyjątkowy budynek użyteczności publicznej, położony w miejscowości Poźrzadło przy trasie A2. Ta budowla oprócz wyjątkowej architektury posiada równie unikatowe wykończenie wnętrz stylizowane na egipskich motywach. Dotyczy to wszystkich znajdujących się tam sal i pomieszczeń, które pozostawiają niezapomniane wspomnienia. Piramida Horusa to idealne miejsce na zorganizowanie szkoleń, konferencji, bankietu, spotkania służbowego, skorzystania z restauracji serwującej wyśmienite dania czy też baru.
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Samostalna trgovinska radnja Piramida, Velika Plana, Rasveta, Vodovodni i Elektro materijal
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Strona poświęcona piramidzie życia , piramidzie numerologicznej i interpretacji. Dodatkowo można wyliczyć sobie rok osobisty oraz miesiąc osobisty. Imię i Nazwisko też kryje w sobie moc - sprawdź jaką.
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restaurantpiramida.lv Front Page - Restaurant Piramida in the Riga, Latvia
While enjoying delightful cuisine guests will be seduced by the calm and romantic atmosphare of the restaurant and beautiful views of the park in Riga city centre.
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