Pilgrim: 5,516 results found.
Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church - Welcome to our Website
Welcome to Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church website. We are glad you stopped by today. Please feel free to browse our pages to learn more about us. Pilgrim is a leading church in Northwest Indiana, and has been in existence for over 80 years. We invite you to come hear the preached Word by our dynamic pastor and fellowship with our congregation at one of our many worship services. At Pilgrim, you are always welcomed.
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Peace Pilgrim Home
Peace Pilgrim - 1908-1981 - Walking over 25,000 miles from 1953 to 1981, Peace Pilgrim spread her message of world, group, and individual inner peace throughout North America. She touched the hearts and minds of countless thousands and truly lived the message she taught. Peace Advocate, Sage, Inspiration to Peace Seekers Everywhere.
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Este a oraganizatie non-profit, caritabila, dedicata dezvoltarii calitatii vietii a oamenilor indigeni din locurile izolate ale planetei. Ne indreptam atentia catre acesti oameni, greu de gasit, care locuiesc in locatiii singuratice din deserturile si junglele lumii.
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