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Persecution: 1,104 results found. Home | Colin Duffy | A victim of State persecution
For two decades Colin Duffy has been the target of an unrelenting campaign of persecution and victimisation by state forces within the Six Counties.  The following information sets  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check Open Doors Australia: World Watch List 2011
Each year Open Doors releases the World Watch List, a detailed analysis of Christian persecution worldwide. In this free resource, countries are evaluated and ranked according to the severity of persecution that occured in the past year.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check Hope Builders International - Partnering with Native Christians in Lands of Poverty and Persecution - Home
Connecting western Christians to indigenous ministries that are furthering the Kingdom of God in lands of poverty and persecution. We seek to build up the body of Christ through local discipleship, national partnerships and international support.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
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سازمان بين المللى فرهنگ و حقوق بشر شيعى يك سازمان خيريه ميباشد كه براى ترويج و روان كردن انديشه و فرهنگ شيعه، و دفاع از حقوق بشر شيعيان در سرتاسر جهان تأسيس شده است, إشرو انفجار انتحارى اخیر در ایران را محکوم می کند, إشرو انفجار انتحارى در سیستان بلوچستان را محکوم می کند, اشرو حملات اخیر حکومت بحرین به شیعیان را محکوم میکند, نیروهای امنیتی خارجی باید از بحرین خارج شوند  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check Raptor Politics - Illegal Peregrine and raptor persecution in the North West of England
Raptors are protected by law - or are they? Success or otherwise of breeding peregrines on estates in the North-West of England  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check Christian Persecution Blog - a weblog about persecuted Christians and the persecuted church
A weblog about Christian persecution around the world. The Persecution Blog shares news and information of concern to Christians about the persecuted church.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check Kate Schank, author of Live to Tell: A True Story of Religious Persecution in Communist Albania
Welcome to the official website of Kate Schank, author of Live to Tell: A True Story of Religious Persecution in Communist Albania. Learn all about Kate Schank and Live to Tell: A True Story of Religious Persecution in Communist Albania  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
Similar Sites: - Humanitarian Photographer for Non-profits, NGO's and Corporations by Gary S. Chapman
Gary S. Chapman is a humanitarian photographer that creates photographs for non-profits, NGO's and corporations. He specializes in areas of relief, disasters, and persecution.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
Similar Sites: - A Million Righteous Voices - Campaign to End the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in China
A Million Signatures Campaign to End The Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in China. Kindly Act Now - Your Sign Could Save A Life.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check Coptic News
Coptic Orthodox News site blog focused on giving an accurate inside look on the persecution of Christians in Egypt and the middle east. Additionally this site will be a resource center to download extremely vital information related to these international affairs.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  

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