Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour (HPV) Bio Decontamination Systems for Healthcare, Life sciences, Food Production and Defence Sectors
BIOQUELL are world leaders in providing hydrogen peroxide decontamination equipment and services into the healthcare, life sciences, Food Production and defence sectors. Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour (HPV) decontamination solutions developed by BIOQUELL have been used across the globe to eradicate problematic bacteria, viruses and fungi, throughout a wide range of applications within the healthcare, life sciences, food production and defence sectors. BIOQUELLs unique HPV technology is used to bio-decontaminate rooms, equipment and electronic devices safely and as efficiently as possible, without leaving problematic residues associated with other traditional decontaminants such as formaldehyde or chlorine-based products. Moreover, the process is residue-free, breaking down to water vapour and oxygen hence representing an extremely green or environmentally friendly biocide. The efficacy of the process is validated using Tyvek® pouched 6-log Geobacillus stearothermophilus (spore) biological indicators. BIOQUELL for healthcare: Hospital acquired infections nosocomial pathogens or superbugs are increasingly becoming a major issue for senior clinicians and administrators in hospitals around the world. BIOQUELLs technology is proven to be effective against a wide range of environmentally associated nosocomial pathogens, including Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Clostridium difficile, Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), Klebsiella, Acinetobacter and other Gram-negatives. BIOQUELL's technology can be deployed in a variety ways to suit the particular needs of institution. Clients can choose from equipment purchase or service decontamination, each offering unique benefits in a challenging and demanding setting. BIOQUELL for lifesciences: Clarus® HPV equipment has long been the decontamination technology of choice within the biotech, biomedical, biologics and pharmaceutical sectors. A range of equipment and services are available designed to provide bio-decontamination of equipment, rooms or entire facilities. HPV is the clear choice when replacing traditional formaldehyde or chlorine-based applications offering fast, reside-free and repeatable cycles within a sensitive and controlled environment. BIOQUELL for Defence: BIOQUELL's HPV technology can be used to eradicate biological weapons and chemical weapons from key assets, including sensitive equipment and critical facilities in addition, the 'MDH Defence' product range comprises the design, development, production and support of Collective Protection (COLPRO) systems for the chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) defence of military vehicles. BIOQUELL are also working with the United States Department of Defense (DOD) in the production of a Joint Materials Decontamination System (JMDS). The system will incorporate BIOQUELLs HPV technology to decontaminate a range of military assets and equipment from biological and chemical weapon agents.
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