Cartridge Pen
Cartridge Pen it is much more than luxury stationery, it is a living legend, a tool that is known to all five continents, synonymous with impeccable quality and exclusivity. Today, Cartridge pens are very popular as the perfect present for a loved one or business partner, a luxury collection that is offered enables us to find the most suitable option for everyone. The first cartridge pen appeared in 1892, which is usually considered the official date of founding. The design and mechanism have become a real revolution in the world of office equipment at the time - a unique patented feeder allowed to solve the most unpleasant problems - the flow of pens in his pocket. A few years later Parker Pen became the first in the world whose designs were used button filling system (before the ink in the pens were filled with the pipette), a unique double cap to guarantee protection from accidental leakage, and the patented clip that adorns them today .
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Pen E Fuel
PENCOOP Switch Grass farming business cooperative, whereby, the crop Switchgrass is collectively grown, and processed into PENCOOP Pen-E-Fuel Ethanol, which is yhe leading choice of alternative fuels through 2050 behind corn.
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