Clayfield Cosmetic Medicine | Cos Doc | Cosmetic Medicine |Facial
Volumising | Wrinkle Reduction and Excessive Sweating | Microdermabrasion |
Non-surgical Rhinoplasty Coblation | Collagen | Hair Removal | Peels |
Scelotherapy | Laser CuBr | Excessive Swea
Dr Jane Propsting of Clayfield Cosmetic Medicine specialises in Cosmetic Medicine and is a member of the Sclerotherapy Society of Australia, Sclerotherapy, Peels, Laser CuBr, Facial Volumising, Non-surgical Rhinoplasty, Excessive sweating, Microdermabrasion, Clayfield, Brisbane, Australia
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Esteem Medical Spa
The team at Esteem Medical Spa utilizes a patient-focused, individual approach to enhance your appearance. We customize treatment plans based on your initial consultation. Each individual has a different vision of what they consider to be an acceptable appearance; therefore every patient's treatment plan is as individual as they are. Some desire an even skin tone, while others want the absence of wrinkles.
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