Mothers Milk
The official website for Organic Mother's Milk Tea. A product of Traditional Medicinals, Organic Mother's Milk Tea is widely recommended by lactation consultants, midwives, doulas and childbirth educators all over the country.
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Clinical Psychologist in Sherman Oaks, San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles, Therapy Services for Individual, Couples, Family, Adolescent - Reproductive Psychology, Post Partum Counseling
Sharon Schwartz is a seasoned, insight oriented therapist, I can help you in your efforts to resolve current life challenges as well as to tackle more long standing issues. Working collaboratively and respectfully I am able to assist you as you develop deeper insight, cultivate a greater sense of well-being and implement more effective life strategies, with two offices in Sherman Oaks near studio city in the East San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles on Santa Monica Blvd.
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Organisme de formation continue (Obstétrique, Sages Femmes, Santé)
L'association Aspazie propose un programme complet de formation continue dans le domaine de l'obstétrique. Elle répond au besoin du professionnel (sage femme, puéricultrice, infirmière, auxiliaire de puériculture, aide-soignante) en abordant tous les thèmes de la périnatalité (grossesse, maternité, accouchement, post-partum, bébé, psychologie) et du monde de la santé en général.
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