Panthera: 531 results found.
Panthera | Programs | Snow Leopard Program
Snow leopards are currently found in twelve countries where they occupy the remote mountain ranges of Central Asia. They inhabit some of the harshest conditions of any species, amid towering mountain ranges and in often subzero conditions, but these cats are supremely adapted to the harsh and rugged landscape. ~
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Panthera | Programs | Iranian Cheetah Project
The Asiatic cheetah once had a distribution that extended across the Middle East, Central Asia, north into southern Kazakhstan and southeast into India. Today, the cheetah has been extirpated from its entire Asiatic range, except for a small and critically endangered population in the Islamic Republic of Iran. ~
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Colloques, Tables-Rondes, Séminaires
Colloques, Tables-Rondes, Séminaires en France, au Québec, à Tahiti, au Japon et en Asie Centrale (Khyrgyzstan). Education aux Sciences, Biodiversité, Energies Renouvelables, Géologie, Gestion de la complexité, Informatique... ~
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