Washington Grove Pacer Farm
the Washington Grove Pacer Farm -- a home for wayward AMC Pacers and repository for information on historic preservation, railroads and cats. also home of the AMC Pacer webring, Mid-Altantic Train Finding Tools and of the I-400 submarine memoirs.
Pacerfarm.org ~
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Used equipment and machinery with photos, low prices.
Used equipment and machinery for sale: AMF, Glen, Hobart, Littleford, Lancaster mixers, mixer bowls, bowl lifters, drum lifters, Servolift, Enerpac H presses
Pacerusedmachinery.com ~
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Courageous Pacers - Home
Program Helps Children with Disabilities Walk 100 Miles and Lift 10,000 Pounds
In 1992, preschool teacher Belinda Cardenas asked school physical therapist Tim Erson
if he knew of a fitness program that she could use to introduce fitness to her special
needs preschool students at the Zavala Elementary School in Corpus Christi, Texas. What followed was a classroom strategy that included easy-to-learn flexibility, strengthening, and endurance activities, plus a goal for each student to walk 100 miles and lift 10,000 pounds.
Classroomfitnessprogram.com ~
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