![otek-china.com](http://dlcache.com/sthumb/ba6/otek-china.com.gif) |
Otek Environmental Engineers
Environmental consultants and Environmental consulting in Australia. We have Environmental consultantsin Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth. Environmental International Enviromental Consultants. Enviro Consulting, Enviro Environmental Consult. Environmental Solutions using Environmental Engineering, Environmental Professionals, Environmental Management Systems, Environmental specialists. We are one of the biggest Environment companies supplying Enbiromental consultants for Environmental business. Our Environmental People aim for preservation of natural resources, care of Ecology and use of natural remediation to achieve environmental remediation for australia. Emergency incident environmental response in Australia for contaminated land emergency environmental response. With auditor environmental and waste classification also dangerous goods. We provide environmental engineering solutions, contaminated land solutions, Site assessment services, Contamination solutions. Proud to be Australian
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![tpv-tactil.es](http://dlcache.com/sthumb/402/tpv-tactil.es.gif) |
TPV Táctil
TPV táctil: (Terminal Punto de Venta Táctil)
En plena era de la información y modernización, los pequeños comercios no han sido ajenos a esta revolución tecnológica.
Las ya viejas y obsoletas cajas registradoras que tanto han servido en el pasado, han dado paso al TPV táctil para la gestión de su negocio. Un ordenador con pantalla táctil, impresora de tickets y un cajón portamonedas, junto a potentes herramientas de software de TPV componen lo que se denomina TPV táctil.
Estos TPV táctil se utilizan en pequeños comercios y en locales de hostelería tales como restaurantes, cafeterías, pubs o discotecas.
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