Kvarnbäck Birding
Swedish ornithologist and birding guide living in Venezuela since 2001. Favorite areas in Venezuela are the Amazonian states - Bolívar and Amazonas, the Andes, and the central flatlands (Los Llanos), but I do guiding all over the country. If possible I use my car, a Grand Vitara 4x4 for transportation. I also do guiding in Central America and on Cuba, contracted by some swedish travelling companies, merely guiding naturalists and birders.
Kvarnbackbirding.com ~
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VERNONscope & Co.
VERNONscope & Company Manufacturers of the highest quality astronomical and birding instruments and accessories including the Brandon Master Birder Spotting Scope, Brandon eyepieces, Dakin barlows, Amici prisms, star diagonals, extension tubes, camera adapters, eyepiece adapters, mounted glass filters and tripods.
Vernonscope.com ~
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Michael Marshall - Photography - Artist, Educator, Photographer
Michael Marshall - artist, photographer, educator, physicist, platinum printer, creative ornithologist, gardener, illusionist, natural historian, cartographer, wood worker, yogi, digital image maker, painter, videographer,Area Chair and Associate Professor of Photography at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA.
Michaelmarshallstudio.com ~
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