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James T Allison - Optimal System Design
Dr. James T. Allison is a Senior Applications Engineer at the MathWorks, Inc. in Natick MA. He is a member of the advanced support group, focusing on modeling and simulation of engineering systems, as well as engineering system design optimization. Dr. Allison is also author of the blog Design Impact (www.design-impact.org), where he writes to a general audience about links between engineering and societal issues, particularly the role of engineering design in improving sustainability. Before coming to the MathWorks, Dr. Allison was a postdoctoral research fellow in mechanical engineering at the University of Michigan working with Prof. Panos Papalambros. He also worked at Ford Motor Co. and GM as a consulting engineer, specifically in hybrid powertrain design and engine design. His postdoctoral research concentrated on the design and optimization of complex engineering systems. Applications of interest include hybrid electric vehicles, aircraft design, renewable energy systems, mountaineering, and bicycle design.
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Optimal Health And Consulting | Healthy Lifestyle | Eatting Right |
Optimal health is your personal best possible state of physical wellness. This state is characterized by engaging, to the best of your ability, in all the necessary lifestyle activities that will positively affect your health. This entails you doing your best to follow all the nutrition counseling and physical activity recommendations to achieve this state while also moderating other behaviors that may negatively affect your health.
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