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Pakistan Executives Group - PEG - Business Opporunities in Pakistan - Business Opporunities in Saudi Arabia - Job Opportunities
Pakistan Executives Group (PEG) is a non-profit, non political Group of senior Executives of Pakistani origin working in Saudi Arabia. The objectives of PEG are to identify and provide investment opportunities in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, promotion of trade and commercial links between the two countries, as well as acting as liaison in order to develop and maintain ongoing contacts between Saudi businessmen and government officials in Pakistan. Whilst endeavouring to project a better image of Pakistan and its community in Saudi Arabia, PEG also makes valuable contributions, from time to time, towards various relief works of public welfare including providing educational/ vocational scholarships both in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
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Arrmac's World
Arrmac is Richard McDavid, who is also the co-author of Career Opportunities in Engineering, Career Opportunities in Forensic Science, Career Opportunities in Transportation, and Career Opportunities in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources.
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