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Marjan Ogorevc
Danes se zavedam, kako so me različne prelomnice v mojem življenju, vsaka na svoj način, usmerjale do trenutka, ko sem spoznal, da manipulacija z energijami, ki sem se ji začel posvečati pred 18 leti, ni sama sebi namen, niti ni namenjena ugodju.
Center-enost.com ~
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Body Mind Spirit Connections
Much has been written lately about ways to attain long and healthy life. Numerous miracle diets are presented, formulas are praised for their extraordinary qualities, weight-reduction and aging-reversal methods are advertised. People are led to believe that good health may be the result of taking a miraculous pill. In reality, return to full health requires many years of effort, just as our diseases are caused by many years of neglect. Full health does not depend on miraculous medication and formulas that cause weight loss or aging reversal, but on the lifestyle that is in harmony with nature. This philosophy permeates the contents of this book. The author of this book, Mikhail Tombak, created a holistic system of maintaining good health.
The book
Bodymindspiritconnections.com ~
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