AddUp: Multi-purpose tape calculator and converter for finance, date and time, metric conversions, complex numbers, prime numbers, fractions, binary, octal, hexadecimal, statistics
AddUp: Multi-purpose tape calculator and converter for finance, date and time, metric conversions, complex numbers, prime numbers, fractions, binary, octal, hexadecimal, statistics
Orefa.net ~
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Tex2 - a text to binary, text to hexadecimal, text to octal, text to query string, text to Base64, text to ROT13, text to ROT47, HTML to visible HTML, .htpasswd password converter and e-mail obfuscator.
Tex2 - a text to binary, text to hexadecimal,
text to octal, text to query string, text to Base64, text to ROT13, text to ROT47,
HTML to visible HTML, .htpasswd password converter, and e-mail obfuscator.
Tex2.net ~
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