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Fundacja Kobieta i Natura
Fundacja Kobieta i Natura zastała powołana, by pomagać ludziom w wykorzystaniu potencjału i mądrości ich ciała. Działalność Fundacji opiera się na wieloletnim doświaczeniu dr n. med. Preeti Agrawal, która zajmuje się profilaktyką zdrowia w duchu medycyny holistycznej. Medycyna holistyczna łączy aspekt fizyczny, emocjonalny i duchowy. Jesteśmy Organizacją Pożytku Publicznego (OPP). ~
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Why is there controversy over a free cell phone directory?
Due to the overwhelming popularity of cell phones in the communication industry today, you can find a cell phone directory in several places on the Internet. This has to some extent caused some controversy due to the privacy laws that most cellular phone companies have with their customers. There are many people that have their land line phones unlisted due to the fact that they do not want anyone to have their phone number that they did not give it to and they feel the same way when it comes to their cell phones. There are many people that want their cell phone numbers unlisted as well. ~
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