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Natural Nitrogen, the usage of natural chilean nitrate, in organic farming according IFOAM
Natural Sodium Nitrate is a natural fertilizer extracted from the Caliche ore present in the inert surface of the Atacama Desert in Chile. For manufacturing it, it was not subjected to chemical processes. Natural Chilean nitrate is a complementary source of nitrogen to organic nitrogen sources in organic farming. Natural Chilean nitrate supplies nitrogen in a form that is directly absorbed by plant roots. The nitrate present in the Natural Chilean nitrate is the same as that resulting from a natural organic transformation. It causes no harm to soils, crops, animals or quality of life when used according to soil and crop needs.
Nitrogenous rock also supplies small but significant quantities of potassium, magnesium, sulfur and microelements copper, boron, manganese and iodine.
Currently NSN or NCN, is allowed in the United States, and obtained the OMRI label, for usage up the 20% of the total nitrogen demand. Approved natural alternatives by IFOAM or other organic certifying agencies, that provide nitrate nitrogen in sufficient quantity during all seasons are not available because some of them are currently under question (such as feather meal, bone meal, horn meal and meat meal).
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