Nrg: 3,838 results found.
Nato dalla collaborazione tra WHY BE NORMAL e Igor Castiglia, NRG BAG un attrezzo/attivit che si rivolge agli appassionati dell'allenamento funzionale, con un programma strutturato per gruppi e/o sessioni one to one. Il sito nasce per offrire informazioni e strumenti utili per conoscere il progetto NRGBAG a 360 ~
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NRG Advisory Group « Shaping Reform – Transforming Lives
The NRGA Group builds the capacity of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to drive economic development. Our vision is to make a positive impact on people’s lives by adopting market-driven development strategies. Working with our corporate clients, government departments and donor agencies from the International Development community, we do this by enhancing the management capacity of SMEs, building supply chain connections and developing their investment capacity. ~
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