是葉謝鄧律師行管理的香港網上法律網站,供市民免費閱讀法律內容。律師行是香港律師事務所.國際公證人(notary public),律師擅長香港各法律事務。法律服務有國際公證人,工傷索償、車禍交通意外傷亡賠償訴訟、替受傷苦主和傷亡意外死者家屬,透過法律爭取人身傷亡的賠償,中國委托公證人提供香港公証.公証文書.國際公證(notaries)。債務重組、IVA、DRP,破產助欠債人士解決債務煩惱。離婚和子女撫養權、封租和收樓、追租、法院命令。律師行有多個律師事務所:灣仔.荃灣.旺角.觀塘.元朗.沙田,為港九新界區民提供平宜、快捷和專業的法律服務。法律網頁內容還有:婚姻監禮人、結婚監禮人破產法律服務、贍養費、刑事辯護、保釋、求情、如何申請個人破產,醫療失誤或疏忽、律師証婚、主持婚禮儀式、婚姻登記!律師樓簽發結婚証書,與政府婚姻登記處的結婚証書,同法律效力。遺產承繼與遺囑法律服務、職業病、電腦罪行、網上犯罪、改名契、知識產權, 智慧產權,子交易,電腦犯罪。We have 17 Hong Kong lawyers. We provide legal service in Hong Kong. The legal services include notary public, divorce in Hong Kong Family Courts, bankruptcy applications in Hong Kong High Court, Marriage Solemnization at law offices. We have a team of conveyancing lawyers who specialise in real estate or property transactions: sale, purchase, mortgage or refinancing. We also offer deed poll service.
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Academy for Notaries by Jennie Stormes - Home
Academy for Notaries by Jennie Stormes. New Jersey Notary Public Education at Local Community Colleges. Notary Supplies, Stamps and Support., Home Study Approved California Notary Education for 6 Hour Mandatory Education, Academy for Notaries provides educational training seminars for new and renewing notaries in New Jersey and California. Additionally, there are supplies available to purchase for notaries.
Academy for Notaries offers many seminars in California and New Jersey at local colleges.
Innovative notary supplies are offered to students during and after the seminars. The supplies are designed to support the notary. All supplies are invaluable tools for all notaries to perform their notarial duties properly and faithfully.
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