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Senčila Capris - Pozdravljeni pri nas!
Senčila Capris je podjetje za izdelavo in vgradnjo široke palete zunanjih senčil, kot so tende, markize, senčila gostinskih teras, senčila zimskih vrtov ter fasadna senčila
in brisoleji. Za notranje senčenje izdelujemo rolo senčila s kaseto in vodili ali brez ter z vgrajenimi screen ali soltis senčilnimi tkaninami. Vsa našteta senčila so lahko tudi
motorizirana in avtomatizirana. ~
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Plastic Stainless, Inc. - Aransas Pass, Texas
PSI specializes in stainless steel custom design and sheet metal fabrication for commercial and industrial businesses. Some residential products are also available. Plastic design includes PVC, polypro, CPVC and HDPE. Whether you need custom panel and valve boxes in plastic or stainless steel, welded PVC exhaust, or stainless steel counter tops, PSI can manufacture anything you need. We also have a machine shop with a lathe and DRO milling machine. ~
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