Sunrise Green Pakistian - NGO
NGOs in Pakistan, NGORC,NGO Resource Centre, Institutional Management and Certification Programme, Non-Profit, Non Profit, PAKSID, USAID, CIDA, English Journal, Urdu Akhbar, CIVICUS, CSOs in Pakistan, Civil Society organizations in Pakistan, Civil Society in Pakistan, Information Resource Centre, Development Forums, Development Communication, Capacity Building, Training, NGO Resource Centre is a non-profit support organization that provides management training and advice to build capacity within citizen organizations. It conducts research and collects data on the citizen sector in Pakistan to inform policy dialogue and promote an enabling environment
Sunrisegreenpak.org ~
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NGO Council of Alberta
The NGO Council is poised to assist municipalities with delivery of needed support to their communities utilizing non-profit/volunteer agencies. We function as a clearing-house for vetted, legitimate, non-profit resources that can be activated to assist residents across the province in times of need.
Ngocouncil.com ~
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