BasicX by NetMedia Inc.
A vast set of features, like floating point math library, COM ports, DACs, SPI bus, multitasking, and networking make for powerful control systems in record time. You program in an easy to use BASIC language which compiles and downloads into the target system. BasicX allows you to focus on the control system, and the tough stuff is done for you. BasicX is perfect for industrial control, home automation, robotics, point of sale, automated test equipment and on and on. BasicX comes with a 30 day money back guarantee, so buy it and try it, and make more products in record time!
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.: geotechnik heiligenstadt gmbh :. - Geotechnik, Drucksondierung, Drucksondiertechnik, Bohrungen, Baugrund, Altlasten, Bodenmechanik, Erkundung, Grundwasser
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