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ShootingTheGap.com is a rugby photo site started in 2009 focusing on - but not limited to - women's and girl's rugby matches. We are two former rugby playing photographers in Minnesota. We are Carla Fredrick and Nadine Barten. We are shooting the gap.
Contact ShootingTheGap at ctfredrick@gmail.com
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Societatea Romana de Anestezie si Terapie Intensiva
SRATI - SOCIETATEA ROMANA DE ANESTEZIE SI TERAPIE INTENSIVA, statut, senatul srati, secretariat, financiar, membri srati, educatie medicala continua, ghiduri protocoale recomandari, calendar manifestari stiintifice, congres anual, rezidenti concursuri, publicatii, societati inrudite, link-uri de interes, TEMATICA PENTRU EXAMENUL DE MEDIC SPECIALIST SPECIALITATEA ANESTEZIE TERAPIE INTENSIVA, TEMATICA CONCURSULUI DE MEDIC PRIMAR SPECIALITATEA ANESTEZIE TERAPIE INTENSIVA, I. Proba scrisa, II. Proba clinica terapie intensiva chirurgicala, III. Proba clinica terapie intensiva medicala, IV. Proba practica anestezie, JURNALUL ROMAN DE ANESTEZIE TERAPIE INTENSIVA, Volumul 9 Nr.1, Iunie 2002, Volumul 10, Nr.1, Martie 2003, Volumul 10, Nr.2, Octombrie 2003, Societatea Romana de Anestezie Terapie Intensiva Pediatrica (SRATIP), Societatea Romana de Nutritie Parenterala si Enterala, Societatea Romana de Sepsis, Societatea Romana de Anestezie Regionala, Asociatia Romana pentru Studiul Durerii, SOCIETATI NATIONALE SI INTERNATIONALE DE ANESTEZIE SI TERAPIE INTENSIVA, Al 26-lea Congres al Societatii Romane de Anestezie si Terapie Intensiva, CALENDARUL MANIFESTARILOR STIINTIFICE INTERNATIONALE 2004, CALENDARUL MANIFESTARILOR STIINTIFICE INTERNATIONALE 2005, Senatul SRATI, Membri SRATI, Romanian Society of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care, Societatea Romana de Anestezie Terapie Intensiva,
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