Muce: 34 results found.
Podarim Muce
Podarim Muce je spletna stran narjena predvsem z namenom pomagati izgubljenim, najdenim, zavrženim in ostalim mucam, ter seveda tudi za ostale male hišne živali. Podarim Muce spletna stran pa je bila narejena izključno samo za oddajo naših muc. Sedaj želimo pomagati širše z vašo pomočjo. ~
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VAWT, Vertical Axis Wind Turbine - VAWTMUCE.COM
MUCE started the study and manufacture of Vertical Axis Wind-power Turbine (VAWT) and the system of VAWT/WSPS ( Wind-Power and Solar Energy Power System ). By the end of 2002 MUCE successfully made the first set of VAWT and at the beginning of 2003 some army units adopted such VAWT systems and all these systems ~
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