Moco Arts - Transforming Lives Through Movement and Creative Expression
Built from an abandoned machine shop, The Moving Company Dance Center provides a welcoming and inspiring atmosphere where all ages and levels of ability can enjoy and excel in dance, theatre and the movement arts. We bring the Monadnock Region together, developing creative expression, health and social capital through our model outreach programs and at our inviting movement center. We are a community dance, theatre and movement arts organization that provides instructor-led classes to over 2,000 students and performances to over 4,000 audience members. Classes and performances take place in schools, senior centers, child-care centers, business and community centers, as well as in our 3-studio complex. Why we do what we do. The expressive arts and movement contribute to the quality of life at the physical, cognitive, creative, social and emotional levels. Young people's learning extends beyond the classroom walls. While we say that the function of schooling is to prepare students for life, the problems of life tend not to have single correct answers that characterize the problems students encounter in the academic areas of schooling. The problems of life are much more like the problems encountered in the arts, seldom having a single correct solution. Aging well includes a life of physical, mental, social and spiritual components. Without these, people risk depression, chronic and severe health problems, and the loss of independent living. Exercise, in any form, can help to counter all of these risks. Our philosophy is that dance and theatre, as performance arts, should be noncompetitive and educational and should celebrate the creative, artistic nature in all of us. Through one woman's vision, a grant from the NH State Council on the Arts and support from local businesses and individuals, we created a performance space for our students and the community. Last year, we produced twelve dance and theatre performances for over 1,000 audience members who have shared their increased awareness and apprecition of the performance arts.
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Ihr IT Systemhaus im Harz
Wir können Sie als regionaler Anbieter, mit unserer langjährigen Erfahrung kompetent und individuell beraten.Von der Planung, über die Ausführung bis zur Wartung bieten wir Ihnen ein geballtes Fachwissen um Ihre EDV-Technik effektiv einsetzen zu können.Über die Standard-Anforderungen für Hard- und Software hinaus.
Unser IT Service befasst sich mit allen Prozessen einer IT-Organisation, die das Erreichen der Geschäftsziele eines Unternehmens unterstützen. Dabei umfasst unser IT Service jegliche Art von Methodik und Maßnahmen zur Optimierung aller relevanten IT-Prozesse. Damit wird die Grundlage für eine systematische Überwachung von IT-Prozessen sowie deren Dokumentation geschaffen. Auf dieser Basis können selbst heterogene und historisch gewachsene IT-Systemlandschaften transparent dargestellt und der Mehrwert der IT innerhalb des Geschäftsprozesses durch gezieltes Reporting deutlich belegt werden. Dies ist zugleich die Basis für die systema
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