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:: ATMATA KENDRAM - Health Service Department of Archidiocese of Changanacherry ::
ATMATA is an NGO which is established in 1991 and registered with the Government of Kerala in 1993 as a Charitable Society under No.K-453/93. ATMATA
is the abbreviation of the Archdiocesan Temperance Movement for awareness and Treatment of Addicts. It us an organization for
promotion of health and prevention of health hazards. The administrative body of the organization consists of Patron (The Archbishop), Co-Patron,
Director, Asst. Director, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Board of Directors, General Body and Temperance Committe of the Pastrol Council. Atmata
has also established the Forane level Zonal Organizing bodies and the Parish level Local units in its organizational structure. Meetings of
the Director Board are being held quartely and the General Body Meeting once in a year. ~
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