Weather Satellite and Remote Sensing Ground Stations - Dartcom - Home
Dartcom are manufacturers of weather satellite and remote sensing ground stations for receiving and processing LRIT, HRIT, HRPT, CHRPT, SeaWiFS, AHRPT, LRD and GVAR data from NOAA, Feng Yun, SeaStar, Metop, NPOESS, MSG, GOES and MTSAT satellites.
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Proper High Altitude Climbing Equipment by Bradley Alpinist LLC.
The Dachstein Wolle Alpine Pullover Sweater is crafted in the Dachstein Region of Austria. Modeled in classic Dachstein style to that also used by the original Dachstein sweaters maker of the 80's and 90's, these classic layers for alpinists were first made by the now closed, Lackner Wolle Mills of the Dachstein Mountain Region of Austria. These boiled wool or fulled (fullen) sweaters and mitts were worn for extreme cold temperatures. The boiled wool, also known as hot water treatment process produces insulative clothing that is wind resistant, heavy-duty in durability, breathability, and incredibly warm. Although by today's standards of light weight and compressible(packable) insulation layers, these sweaters and mitts may not make your particular gear list, but they are still heavily sought after by alpinists for high altitude climbing. The Dachstein Wolle Alpin Pullover Sweater is made in the traditional Austrian methods, matched to crafting methods used by the famous Lackner Wolle company(now out of business).
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