Home | Ye Jaya Holding
Ye Jaya Holding Sdn. Bhd., mainly focused on international trading, especially import and export between Malaysia and China. Domestically, the firm buys various kind of raw materials that demanded by most of the Chinese buyers. The firm is providing one-stop service to their foreign buyers. For example, goods purchasing, storing, goods loading and unloading, logistic services, so on and so forth.
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giorgio sassanelli psicoanalista e docente a Roma, autore di libri e articoli
Giorgio Sassanelli, psicoanalista psicoterapeuta, estende i suoi interessi a temi come i miti, la passione, la creatività e a condizioni quali il narcisismo, la passione, l' isteria, il sacrificio, la vendetta, la perversione, la frammentazione
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