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Min Mec
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA/ EMP) for all types of industries, mines (coal & non coal), power plants, infrastructure and construction projects; Lab facility for Environmental Monitoring & Testing of ambient air, micrometeorology, water, effluents, soil, stack emission, noise, traffic, solid wastes, minerals, fly ash, etc; Total Services in Mine Planning and Material Handling Systems (Detailed Project Report Feasibility Report, Mining Plan, etc.); Hydrological and hydrogeological studies including VES surveys and pump tests; Socio-economic surveys and Resettlement & Rehabilitation Plans; Feasibility Studies for Ferro-Alloys, Sponge Iron Plants and Integrated Steel Complexes; Forest Clearance; Boundary Demarcation and Land use plan for Mine Leases and Industrial areas; EH&S, Environmental audits; Risk Analysis and Disaster Management Planning; Software Development
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