Minérales: 159 results found.
KH Mineral
ThyssenKrupp KH Mineral is specialized in machines for crushing, grinding, sorting, screening, drying and dust collection. Those machines are used mainly in quarries and gravel pits, cement factories and for recycling demolishing materials. The reputation of ThyssenKrupp KH Mineral is greatly based on their wide range of primary, secondary and tertiary impact crushers and its expertise to combine those different equipment to make complete crushing and screening plants with capacities from 10 to 1 500 tph.
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Thermardèche : accueil
Thermardeche est un collectif des 3 stations
thermales situées en Ardèche, Vals, Neyrac et St-Laurent les bains.
A l'aide des eaux thermales et de soins médicalement assistés,
ces thermes traitent des pathologies tels les rhumatismes,
les problèmes de surpoids et de diabète, les affections liées au stress.
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