PI: Micropositioning, Nanopositioning, Micropositioners, Hexapods, Precision Actuators, Precision Motion Control
PI: Precision Motion Control, Micropositioner, Micropositioning System, Linear Actuator, Linear Slide, Translation Stage, Hexapod, 6D Parallel-Kinematics, NanoPositioning, Scanning Microscopy, Microscopy Stage, Transducers, Piezo NanoPositioning, Piezo Motor, Translation & Rotation Stages, Micropositioners, Hexapods
Micropositioning.net ~
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Geoffrey A. Charters MSc (hons) PhD (Pathology)
After graduating with a double-major BSc degree from the University of Auckland, Mr Charters worked for over a decade at the leading edge of industrial process control software engineering in New Zealand. During this time, his existing fascination with molecular biology and genetics developed further, particularly as it related to the cell cycle and the origins of cancer. When opportunity presented itself, he returned to the University of Auckland to undertake formal studies in this field, ultimately receiving his doctorate in 2008. To further his understanding, and hopefully to contribute to the fight against this disease, Dr Charters is now seeking a postdoctoral position within a leading research group. His particular interests are the molecular mechanisms underpinning cell cycle checkpoints, the regulation of centrosome duplication, and the synchronisation of these. He invites and encourages visitors to centrosome.org who know of suitable opportunities to contact him.
Centrosome.org ~
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EHD imaging GmbH, CCD and CMOS Cameras with CameraLink and USB Interface, Cooled Scientific Cameras / Gekühlte CCD Kameras für Astronomie, Mikroskopy und Forschung
we offer high-resolution, high-dynamic CCD imaging systems with
thermoelectric cooled camera heads, including Kodak KAF and KAI sensors or E2V backilluminated sensors,
for use in astronomy, microscopy and life-science applications, filterwheels and focuser,
CMOS camera systems with USB2.0 and camera-link interface with resolutions upto 11 megapixel,
high working distance zoom optics, manual or motorized also as telecentric version, fiberoptic video,
audio, data transmission systems
Ehd.de ~
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Able Software, R2V, 3D-DOCTOR, GIS, Mapping, Medical Imaging,
Rendering, Volume Visualization, Raster to Vector Conversion, Map
Digitizing, 3D DEM, Image Draping, Volume Rendering, 3D Imaging, MRI,
CT, Volume Visualization, Microscopy
Able Software 3D DOCTOR R2V
Ablesw.com ~
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