The Mess Hall, the Italian restaurant
Located in the shadow of state parliament on the top end of Bourke Street in Melbourne, the Mess Hall’s focus is on simple, quality, honest, Italian food. 7:30am to 10pm 7 days a week for breakfast, lunch, dinner, the Mess Hall serves as a casual meeting place any time of day for food or for some of the city’s best coffee.
Themesshallmelbourne.com ~
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3D-Koordinatenmessgeräte, 3D-Koordinatenmesstechnik, Mobile Messtechnik, 6-Achsen-Messgelenkarme, Retrofit
Die Firma ist im Bereich Präzisions- und Sondermaschinenbau tätig. - 3D-Koordinatenmessgeräte, 3D-Koordinatenmesstechnik, Mobile Messtechnik, 6-Achsen-Messgelenkarme, Säulenmessmaschine, Qualitätskontrollen, Digitalisieren, Kalibrierung, Qualitätskontrolle, Statistische Auswertungen, Mess-Software, Erstbemusterung, Vermessen Prototypen, Formmessungen, Geometriemessungen
Zett-mess.com ~
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This Mess is a House
If we could hire us we would! Serving West St. Tammany and the greater New Orleans area with outstanding professional home organization services! Only $25 an hour for one of us, $50 for two organizers, minimum two hours; $15 fee for crossing the bridge. Give Greta a call today! This Mess is a House, LLC, Greta Perry, Leaf Pelligrin
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