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Welcome to Mentzel TV, Cincinnati OH's premier center for TV service, security systems eand more! We have a wide variety of products to fit anyone's lifestyle. Not sure what you need? Ask one of our specialists. Our customer service is unmatched and we're always happy to answer your questions. See the following pages for more information or come visit us today!
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Rollo Mentzel Farbprojekt - Innenraum - Malerei
Rollo Mentzel, Farbprojekt, Innenraum, Malerei, Konzeption, Beratung, Rekontruktion, Gastronomie, Theatermalerei, Wandmalerei, Privatäume gestalten, Kunst aus Schwerin Colour Concepts
Conceptual Consultancy
Interior Design
Restoration Historical painting techniques such as graining, marbling, gilding and stencilling.
Restaurants Predominantly new, creative painting techniques.
Offices Representative wall designs for reception areas and boardrooms.
Objects Redesigning the colours of already existing objects.
Private Rooms Designing or redesigning of houses and apartments.
Murals Paintings done on framed canvas or fixed to the wall.
Freelance Painting A variety of paintings are always available in my studio.
Commissioned Work Copying paintings according to your photos. Imitation of both old and new masters` paintings.
Painting for the Theatre Paintings on unbleached calico for theatre, television and film business.
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Cherry Hill Towing, Inc. – Baltimore, Maryland | 24 Hour Towing
Cherry Hill Towing, Inc, located in Baltimore, MD, offers 24 hour towing 365 days per year for cars, vans, work trucks, utility trucks, tractor trailers, equipment moving, and many other vehicle types.
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