Mars: 61,559 results found.
Machines Assisting Recovery from Stroke (MARS) is a center of excellence established by funding from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research's (NIDRR) Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) program . Our research focuses on robots for rehabilitation therapy after hemispheric stroke, which is the most common neurological disorder that requires intensive and prolonged rehabilitation. Devices that assist the therapist in providing rationally based, intensive and long duration stroke treatments can also be used to monitor progress and help improve functional performance. ~
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: Mars 2011
Nutranews publie chaque mois les articles de l'actualité scientifique en matière de prévention de la santé par le biais de la Nutrition, et de la supplémentation ~
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Beware The Eyes Of Mars.And so appears Eyes of Mars; where fair is foul and foul is fair. Where maladies become melodies and dreams are abound.
Welcome to the world of the otherworldly, where rules are but a whisper. Could you stop us? Theirs is a enigmatic soundtrack to cult films and flamboyant art;
Think David Lynch via Yeah Yeah Yeah's. ~
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mars-06 architectes
Mars-06 est une agence d'architecture dynamique, qui a pour pensée que chaque bâtiment est une hyper-spécificité liée à des contraintes budgétaires, techniques, géographiques, sociales et culturelles qui viennent enrichir le projet dans son ensemble et lui donner sa singularité.
Ainsi pour nous le rôle de l’architecte n’est pas uniquement de répondre à une commande, si présice soit elle , mais bien d’avoir la capacité de réagir face à un certains nombre de situations et de développer un esprit critique en éveil permanent. ~
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Mars Hill Productions
Producer of The HOPE. A non-profit, non-denominational media ministry, Mars Hill Productions has produced award-winning films and videos that have been used around the world to introduce thousands of people to Jesus Christ, and to motivate thousands more to share their faith in Christ with others. ~
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