written and directed by award-winning director khalil dreifus zaarour, MALAKI-Scent of an angel revolves around the families of abducted persons during and in the aftermath of the Lebanese civil war. It sheds the light on the trauma of six different families constantly teetering on the brink of incertitude. Put this way, each family does not know the fate of their abducted family member; whether he is alive or dead. The very premise of the film is humane for it depicts the broken emotional ties within the family away from any political implication. The film combines real interviews within a surreal set on the one hand, and surreal fiction on the other hand. The interviews reveal the familys reaction towards the abduction of a member. The fiction part is an incarnation of their fantasies; that is, an awaited day of reunion, a recurring dream and a fantasy. The film plays on the notion of blurred reality and fantasies since the families reality is unbearable; ultimately, they escape to their dream.
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Abdul Candao, Filipino Tenor
Abdul Candao is a world class Filipino Tenor based in Vienna, Austria. He premiered two modern operas (Yush-Tush by T. Deszy and Arrest by D. D'Ase). His repertoire include Ferrando, Chateauneuf, Faust, Pinkerton, Max, Cavaradossi, & the Prince in Rusalka. His roles in operetta include Graf von Luxemburg, Der Zarewitsch, Prince Sou Chong, the Governor in Candide, & both Alfred and Eisenstein in Die Fledermaus. Abdul Candao also sang the role of Cavaradossi in Tosca.
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