The New Machiavellian
Almost five hundred years ago a man wrote a book. Still in print, this book is considered to be one of the most significant of all time. The topic: to achieve and maintain power. Though The Prince is less than 100 pages, it provides those who would peruse its enlightened text comprehensive and systematic instruction on the control of mass populations. The recommendations contained therein, in regards to such matters, have been held in such veneration that history has seen fit to name its author, Niccolo Machiavelli the father of political science. Accordingly, and perhaps not so ironically, it has also given his name an unsavoury connotation. The term machiavellian means to be elaborately cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous; attributes any modern politician would be proud to deny. Still, since the time of Machiavelli, though extensive scientific research has evolved and enhanced the means for human manipulation and predictability, no one has offered any supplementary text to illustrate these improvements to its methodology. All things considered, the book, if not the man, deserves at the very least a sequel, maybe even a parody, maybe both.
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The original self-help book, Machiavelli's Prince, has been re-created for the modern reader. Learn how to conquer your world and become sovereign of your life in 26 easy lessons. Use Machiavellian principles to get out of life what you want out of life.
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My Business - StratospherePie University - Online , Presents : Semester One( a seed planting introduction )Heaven Goes By Favour ( If it were by merit , you would stay out and your dog would go in)If you are already here Online @ SPU , please visity our front / back cover @ , then click back here and :<--- Swallow the Orange / Yellow pill and follow the March of Mankind. OoopPoop-BeDupe and The Machiavellian Monsters -into A Nation's ( *) Freaking ( deliberately designed) Epitaph OR ... Swallow the Indigo / Violet pill and transcend all that lower emotional vibrational frequency Crapola by understanding :The Archaic Straitjacket of Religious Authority ----> next pageand / or Online @ <-- (should you choose this option , please reread the disclaimer / Warning on back cover) * America ( on a quarantined planet with a genetically modifed species )(a.) Tapped (b.) Trapped and (c) Strapped * ( a.) Economically) - (b.) By catch 22 freaking bureaucracy) -(c.) Into the Freaking Archaic Straitjacket of Religious Authority) (d.) all of the freaking above , and (e.) Gift Wrapped (China - The Beneficiary) *America ... (SOS) a Symptom Oriented Society , ... Addicted, Desensitized, Distracted, Dumbed Down, Hypnotized and Feminized ~ ~ ~ Swimming ~ ~ ~ ( in a sea of estrogen) Wallowing ( in Ignorance - Apathy - Complacenccy ) (addicted to celebrity worship - vicarious correspondence )Sinking ( from emersion commensurate with and attributable to avarice related systemic Corruption)( Standard Operating Procedure ) As evidenced in the Machiavellian Monster Mash - Crash of October, 2010 ( A symptom - not a cause ) Life ..." It's an either / or thing ..... [Sync or Swim]" : says Professor Pious - Emeritus
Hell's CONDITIONING - Propaganda/ Indoctrination is a frightening Phenomenon !Greetings ! ... prospective students and affiliates : Our 1st semester is a seed planting introductory exploration and expose , featuring a tour thru THE CEREBRAL LAUNDROMAT (
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