Lwv: 406 results found.
League of Women Voters -Pullman, WA
Official website for the League of Women Voters of Pullman, WA, a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The LWV of Pullman provides voter service information for residents of Whitman County.
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¡EsTiempoDeVotar!™ (Spanish for “It’s Time to Vote”) is a national non-partisan 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that seeks to increase voter turn-out among the 19.5 million Hispanic Americans who are eligible to vote in the United States, especially among the community of faith. Our mission is to transform the power and influence of the Latino vote by empowering Hispanic Americans to put the interests of their families and nation, centered on faith and values, first through civic participation and the voting process. ¡EsTiempoDeVotar!™ es una organización nacional no partidista, 501(c)(3), sin fines de lucro que busca incrementar la participación democrática de más de 19.5 hispanoamericanos que son elegibles para votar en los Estados Unidos, especialmente dentro la comunidad de fe. Nuestra misión es la de transformar el poder y la influencia del voto Latino empoderando hispanoamericanos de poner los intereses de sus familias y nación, centrados en la fe y valores, primero, con la participación cívica y el proceso de votación.
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