Luau: 3,058 results found.
The Cigar Republic
Cigar Lounge, offering a fine selection of Nicaraguan and Dominican Cigars in a relaxing atmosphere. Along with Port and other wines, as well as, imported and domestic beers.
Downtown Treasure Island between The Pearl and Wahoo's. ~
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| - Create a Luau BBQ Catering Event
Luau bbq catering has been one of our best selling barbecue themes. We have been in the business of barbecue catering and events planning in Southern California for the longest time now. Our luau bbq catering package is definitely to die for because of our juicy, tender and sumptuous barbecue! We have even included several hawaiian inspired dishes to complete the whole luau buffet! Call our hotline numbers now and book for your very own luau bbq. Book now and get a special discount! ~
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Hawaiian Luaus
We bring to you a Authentic Hawaiian Luau, Fun Live, Hawaiian Dancing, Hawaiian Music, Luau Entrees,
Hawaiian Props to bring a Tropical Paradise Venue to you Big or Small ~
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