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Lezaic Laser Academy
Lezaic Laser Academy provides the most comprehensive training available in the aesthetics industry. Founder of Lezaic Laser Academy, Dr. Jill Lezaic, has seven years of experience and is considered an expert in the field. Dr. Lezaic has a thriving practice and a demanding schedule of lectures and seminars designed to teach new entrants into the field of aesthetic medicine. As successful as the seminars have been, Dr. Lezaic realizes that the best teaching method, and the method that allows practices the fastest, most thorough track to success, must include hands-on training and practical experience. This is what separates Lezaic Laser Academy Preceptorship from other programs.
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MYP CONSULTORES, consultora especializada en calidad empresarial, somos expertos en Gestión de la Calidad, Gestión Medioambiental, Seguridad de la Información y Nuevas Tecnologías, Sistemas de Gestión conforme a las normas ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004 e ISO 17799. Además, también somos expertos en conseguir subvenciones y financiación bancaria para las inversiones en calidad que realizan nuestros clientes.
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