Radio Focus - FM100.4 - Salgótarján - Zene, hírek, sporthírek, fórum, slágerlista, apróhirdetések...
radio focus, FM100.4, salgótarján, hírek, sporthírek, online rádió, fórum, kívánságok, slágerlista, még több sport, még több hír, apróhirdetések
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Topical Juice
Juice is the new Buzz….whatever has people talking. The ideas, events, and words on the tips of our collective tongue. Juice is everywhere - and is typically comprised of those delightfully delicious subjects our mothers told us should never be a part of polite conversation - religion, politics, gossip, and so much more. Juice is not polite, it’s what’s in our hearts and minds, and should be spoken aloud….
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